…welcome to the house

The music here is not all acoustic, nor all groove-oriented. What it is is an expanding catalog of music I’ve created over the past twenty years for myself, my bands, theater, and films of all sorts.

It is organic in the sense that I’ve been lucky enough to do things that please me for peace and justice causes, to learn more about different kinds of music, or to learn more about myself. It’s been a quest beginning with an acoustic guitar that’s led me to explore digital media, keeping my analog soul intact. I hope you’ll find sounds which are interesting and useful to you in these collections.

All of this music is available for licensing for your projects with few exceptions. If you are interested, please contact me with your intentions and I’ll send you compensation options.

This site also serves as a grand demo for your consideration for new compositions. Much of this music has been written for specific projects, for which I’ve retained the rights. I didn’t intend to create a music library, but over the years I’ve accumulated so much good stuff that I’ve decided to compile it here. The online catalog will continually grow with new music as I create it.

And if you’re a longtime fan, this should be fun to search for songs that never made it on to a CD. I’m also excited for you to hear the strange noises I create that may have nothing to do with anything that you’ve heard from me before!